Translation of RM’s Verse in “Don’t” by eAeon, feat. RM

Sara B
3 min readApr 30, 2021


Note: This translation is for non-Korean speakers to get a better feel of RM’s lyrics. This translation should be read in combination with others for meaning.

In terms of the text, RM uses a polite form of address with 요. This could connote politeness, the seriousness of the request, but also distance between the two parties. The entire section (except the last line) should be read in this form and tone. I used polite conditionals in lieu of please.

파도는 원래 무슨 색일까요

What do you think are the original colors of the waves?

[Notes: 까요 can be used to ask another person’s opinion.]

부서질 땐 새하얗잖아요

As you know, pure white when [they] break

[Notes: The word “break” refers to breaking waves which connotes a stronger level of intensity to something simply breaking. 잖아요 can mean “as you know” or “you know”. This line answers the question posed in the line above — seemingly an one-sided conversation.]

그간의 표류는 괜찮았나요

Were you ok, meanwhile adrift?

여기 조약돌로 남아주면 안 돼요

Could you not remain here as a pebble?

[Notes: See RM’s previous use of “pebble” in his thank you section in the BE album: “I would like to be your pebble” and RM’s Weverse Butter CB interview where he speaks about this reference more.]

달을 켜줘요

Would you turn on the moon?

[켜줘요 is used to ask someone to, for example, “turn on” the lights.]

작은 내 굴뚝을 떠나지 마세요

Do not leave my small chimney

[Notes: As chimney is an unusual word choice, I wonder if RM could be referring here to a small, albeit “strong desire” as indicated in the Korean idiom “like a chimney”. For more of an explanation, go to: ]

그대만 아는 그 이름 가져가지 마세요

Do not take away the name that only you know

마법은 필요 없어요

I do not need magic

아무 들꽃은 싫어요

I do not want any [old] wildflower

[Notes: 아무 does mean “any” but in the vein of “any old” or something indiscriminately. 싫어 does mean “I do not like” but I translated this line as “I do not want” for how it reads in English.]

새삼스럽지 말아요

Do not do [something] new

[Notes: The literal translation of the 새삼 is “new”. The MV subtitles for this line is “Don’t be like this.”]

그냥 여기에

Just [stay] here

Translation Only

파도는 원래 무슨 색일까요

What do you think are the original colors of the waves?

부서질 땐 새하얗잖아요

As you know, pure white, when [they] break

그간의 표류는 괜찮았나요

Were you ok, meanwhile adrift?

여기 조약돌로 남아주면 안 돼요

Could you not remain here as a pebble?

달을 켜줘요

Would you turn on the moon?

작은 내 굴뚝을 떠나지 마세요

Do not leave my small chimney

그대만 아는 그 이름 가져가지 마세요

Do not take away the name that only you know

아무 들꽃은 싫어요

I do not want any [old] wildflower

새삼스럽지 말아요

Do not do something new

그냥 여기에

Just [stay] here



Sara B

Translating & reflecting on BTS-related content to help non-Korean speakers to get a feel of the language used